“Innovative Initiatives in Employment”

University of Deusto boosts Social Innovation through “Innovative Initiatives in Employment”

On the 30th of March, the University of Deusto celebrated the event Bikzaiday Employment 2015 “Innovative Initiatives in Employment”, framed within the Youth Employment Conference Cicle, promoted by Deusto Forum, and organized by Deusto Social Innovation and Deusto Alumni.

The two international speakers Stefano Scarpetta (Director of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs of the OECD) and Marcel Jansen (professor in the Autonomus University of Madrid, expert in Macroeconomics and Labour Economics) discussed several ideas to improve the labour market situation in the Region of Viscay.

During their conferences, special attention was put on youth and long term unemployed, as groups with high risk of social exclusion. Special importance was given to the design of policies oriented towards very specific groups, with high risk of continuing in the situation of unemployment. Further, governments need to evaluate those policies in order to realize an effective and efficient expenditure, guaranteeing their success. Finally, another essential aspect proposed was the necessity to adapt the public employment systems to the diverse needs of the unemployed people, reducing the generalization of its services. Social innovation plays an essential role in developing these proposals, by introducing new constellations of actors, and changing the perspective from which these actions are taken, bottom-up and horizontal, rather than just top-down initiatives and policies.

The full summary of the event can be accessed here: