SI-DRIVE lead partner TU Dortmund University at social innovation events in Colombia

The attended at several events and productive discussions in Latin America. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt presented research results at the SIX Global Summer School in Bogotá. Dmitri Domanski gave a workshop on concepts and methodologies in Pereira.

The world-wide social innovation network SIX hosted its annual Summer School in the Colombian capital Bogotá from 5th to 7th October. For the first time this event took place in Latin America. This year it was all about “Social Innovation in Divided Societies”. The event was co-organised by the Colombian NGO Somos Más, also a partner in the global research project SI-DRIVE, and took place at Universidad de los Andes.

As part of the Summer School, TU Dortmund University – sfs hosted the session “Social Innovation Research and Practice”. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt, director of TU Dortmund’s sfs, made a presentation on “Social Innovation Research: results from a global mapping”. Further speakers were Mark Anderson, director of the Europe Office at the Glasgow Caledonian University, and Juan Fernando Pacheco, director of the Social Innovation Science Park of the Corporación Universtiaria Minuto de Dios. The session was hosted by Dmitri Domanski, researcher at TU Dortmund University – sfs. Altogether, about 40 participants attended the session.

During the following week, Dmitri Domanski gave a two-day workshop on social innovation at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia in Pereira, mainly focusing on concepts and methodologies. Priority was given to such questions as: Which concepts of social innovation are mostly used world-wide? What is the meaning of Social Entrepreneurship? How to respond to societal challenges through social innovation, especially from the perspective of universities? 25 participants joined the workshop, mainly from the teaching staff of Universidad Cooperativa, but also representatives of civil society.

Furthermore, Dmitri Domanski held a keynote at the forum “Social Innovation and its potential contribution to territorial development” (La Innovación Social y su contribución potencial al desarrollo del territorio) on 13th of October 2016, which was organised by Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and the Government of the Department of Risaralda, and participated in the panel discussion. More information can be found in an article of the Colombian newspaper “El Diario del Otún” here (Spanish).
