Welcome to the SI-Drive Newsletter
Tenth edition
Welcome to the tenth eNewsletter of SI-DRIVE, a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP 7). In our tenth edition we focus amongst others on the 'International Policy Round Tables' and the forthcoming 'Comparative Analysis' of the mapping results.
First Comparative Analysis on the Worldwide Mapping of Social Innovations...
... is available in July
While the SI-DRIVE Critical Literature Review (Howaldt et al. 2014) provided a general depiction of how social innovation resonates within the wider frameworks of existing innovation theory and research, the concepts and perceptions of social change and of societal and policy development, the purpose of the Comparative Analysis is to check the theoretical framework against the first empirical dataset of SI-DRIVE (empirical phase 1).
This first Comparative Analysis investigates empirical data based on more than 1.000 cases in seven major policy areas all over the world, supplemented by policy field related state of the art reports, a regional trend study including the major world regions (Australia/New Zealand, Western and South-East Asia, North and South Africa, North and South America, Russia) and first policy and foresight workshops. SI-DRIVE aiming at a comprehensive and systematic analysis is focusing on the main societal challenges reflected by different policy fields and combining qualitative research (reviewing and reporting social innovation relevant theories and state-of-the art) with a first quantitative mapping of the whole world of Social Innovation. [Read more]

Clear signal from SI-DRIVE International Policy Round Table
Review on SI-DRIVE Event
On 20th April 2016, the SI-DRIVE team organised an International Policy Round Table (IRT) in Brussels. This Round Table followed less than 10 days after the shocking bombings in Brussels. The context for the discussion was therefore quite difficult for 'just' another meeting. But the SI-DRIVE team was very happy to have 12 participants at the meeting, with half of them coming from the European Commission and half of them coming from different parts of Europe. The IRT was very motivated to bring in their ideas, needing to wait for hours at the damaged airport of Zaventem. We are glad to have had the input of a nice mix of policy specialists and social innovation experts to help discuss with the SI-DRIVE team the results of the work. [Read more]

Scaling of Social Innovations: guide launched
Output of the trans-european project benisi
The Benisi Scaling Guide – Accelerating the Scaling of Social Innovations is the conclusion of the trans-European project BENISI. The handbook for social innovators, people working at incubators and the social innovation community comprises learnings from the 13 project partners. Moreover, the publication includes case studies of public sector innovations and social enterprises, success tips and a directory of resources to help other social innovations tread the path to scale. More information can be found here.

Mapping of ICT-enabled social innovation initiatives
Online survey
The Joint Research Centre (the European Commission’s science and knowledge service) is conducting a new mapping of ICT-enabled social innovation initiatives to consolidate the ‘ICT-Enabled Social Innovation project (IESI) Knowledge Map’ which aims at supporting social policy reforms in the European Union (EU). It collects and analyses promising initiatives across the EU28. It also conducts thematic analyses to assess the relationship between different welfare systems and social service provision models. The research specifically covers the emergence of ICT-enabled social innovation in different social investment areas.
The most promising initiatives will receive an IESI Award and will be invited to showcase their experience in Brussels. The IESI Mapping Survey is available here. Participation is possible until 31 st July 2016.
Your contribution is needed! |
Conference Session on ‘Social Innovation – is there a Role for Universities?’...
...organised by the Austrian SI-DRIVE PARTNER AIT
In the course of the XIV International Triple Helix Conference ‘Addressing ecosystem challenges in the era of crises’ from 25th to 27th September 2016 in Heidelberg, the SI-DRIVE partner ‘Innovation Systems Department, Austrian Institute of Technology’ (AIT), will host a session on ‘Social Innovation – is there a Role for Universities?’. This session will be a mixed event with the possibility to present academic papers. For more details, please, have a look at the new call! Submissons are accepted until 31st July 2016.
Call for papers! |
Innovation of cooperative companies
Study of Italian SI-DRIVE partner asks for your contrubutions
SI-DRIVE partner LAMA Agency, in collaboration with Cooperatives Europe, is carrying out an exploratory study on the innovation of cooperative companies. The aim of the study is to analyse the transformations that the emerging sharing economy paradigm is inspiring and bringing about to different types of cooperatives across Europe, and to identify new
opportunities for social and digital innovation that have the potential to re-design future cooperatives.
A mapping survey has been launched to identify any relevant cases of cooperatives that are developing innovations such as new collaborative and peer-to-peer services, new collaborative platforms, new models for sharing and exchanging resources in an efficient and sustainable way.
Know a cooperative that is developing innovations in the collaborative economy field? Follow the link and contribute to the European mapping.
The results will be presented at the International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Glasgow, 5th to 7th September 2016.

New Executive Education courses in Cape Town/South Africa...
...organised by the SI-DRIVE PArtner, the BErtha Centre
Leading Social Entrepreneurship is a brand new Executive Education short course at UCT's Graduate School of Business that gives leaders of social enterprises exposure to the most recent developments in the field. Nonprofit leaders and those operating in the social enterprise space will be given tools to strategically grow the impact of their organisations and businesses, while also exploring models to positively influence the systems within which they operate.
The Impact Investing in Africa, Executive Education short course is an interactive three and a half day investment training opportunity, which offers a rich learning experience blending theory and practice. This course is for finance professionals, funders, lawyers, intermediaries and consultants who are interested in understanding this growing field and how they can and should position themselves within it. [Read more]

Chile: Strong interest in the results of SI-DRIVE's global mapping...
...presented by the SI-DRIVE Lead partner TU Dortmund
On 7th April 2016, a workshop on social innovation took place in Talca, the capital of the Chilean Maule Region. It was organised by the University of Talca in order to give regional governmental institutions a possibility to learn more about this topic. Dmitri Domanski, researcher at TU Dortmund University – sfs, spoke a on a systemic concept of social innovation and presented the results of the global mapping of social innovation initiatives, recently conducted within the research project SI-DRIVE (coordinated by TU Dortmund University – sfs).
On 12th April 2016, Dmitri Domanski was invited to the Chilean Ministry of Economy in the national capital Santiago to speak to representatives of Chilean governmental institutions and universities. Again, there was much interest in the results of SI-DRIVE's global mapping, especially regarding integration of social innovation in innovation policy. He also presented the results of SI-DRIVE's global mapping at the international conference PRISMA, which was organised by Socialab. Socialab is an internationally operating NGO founded in 2012, which supports social innovators seeking to develop solutions to fight poverty. [Read more]

Summer School Urban Social Innovation
Event of the ‘Social Innovation Community’(SIC)-project
Why are urban social innovations needed?
- A huge part of the world’s population lives in cities;
- Urban areas are laboratories of change in which stakeholders of science, industry, creative sectors, etc. interact;
- Cities face challenges in terms of inequality and diversity, economic viability and sustainability and the resilience of infrastructures and services. They must and can develop social innovations in order to address these challenges.
Social innovations shift functions between policy, the administration, the private sector, civil society and households and negotiate these shifts.
The SIC Summer School is organised in cooperation with the ‘European Social Innovation Week’ and takes place from 20th to 23rd September 2016 in Tilburg/The Netherlands. A detailed programme will be available here.
From 20th to 23rd September 2016 in Tilburg/The Netherlands
Congress: Innovations for Society
New Pathways and Methods for Social Innovations to Take Effect
20th and 21st September 2016 – Umweltforum, Berlin
This Congress brings together the diversified landscape of initiatives and communities of social innovation in Germany. The event is pursuing different interlinked goals: It opens the discussion on the potential of social innovations for solving major societal challenges in different fields of action. Additionally, opportunities and priorities of support by the German Ministry of Education and Research will be discussed. Finally, the congress will serve as a platform to connect researchers and practitioners.
'Innovations for Society' is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and organised by TU Dortmund University - sfs in cooperation with the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS). Participants can expect a lively event and impulses from Federal Minister Johanna Wanka as well as other experts.
The congress will be in German. The homepage will be online shortly.

CominG Soon...
eleventh SI-DRIVE Newsletter
The eleventh SI-DRIVE newsletter will be issued in September 2016. Please register at our si-drive website if you are willing to receive regular information.
11th SI-DRIVE Newsletter