Welcome to the SI-Drive Newsletter
Thirteenth edition
Welcome to the thirteenth eNewsletter of SI-DRIVE, a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP 7). In our thirteenth edition we focus amongst others on the in-depth case study reports in the seven policy fields of SI-DRIVE.
In-depth case study reports...
...in the seven policy fields of SI-DRIVE
In each of the seven policy fields of SI-DRIVE (education and lifelong learning, employment, environment and climate change, energy supply, transport and mobility, health and social care, poverty reduction and sustainable development) in-depth case studies were conducted. Based on the theoretical framework and the empirical results of the global mapping, a total of 82 cases were selected and analysed. The cases were taken mainly from the existing database of the 1,005 mapped cases and nominated on the basis of the theoretical framework and the partners’ knowledge and experience (added by few additional cases of high interest). Practical points like access to and willingness of the initiatives to participate and a general regional variety were taken into account as well. [Read more]
SI-DRIVE Publication
Policy and Foresight Workshops
Insights on how policy should support social innovations and social innovators
The SI-DRIVE project is delivering a new theory for social innovation. But the project is not only of interest to scholars. With more insight into the theory on social innovation, a lot of insight is developed on how policy should (or should not) support social innovations and social innovators. During the months of February and March, a set of seven policy and foresight workshops has been finished, under the leadership of the teams of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and the Austrian Institute Of Technology (AIT). Some 70 specialists from the SI-DRIVE team and 80 international external specialists have contributed to these workshops. [Read more]
SI-DRIVE Workshops
New Publications on Social Innovation...
...by researchers from TU Dortmund University - sfs
Three articles, published in two scientific journals, deal with current developments in the field of social innovation and present the work of SI-DRIVE:
New releases
Bertha Centre: in the Top five Globally...
...As a leading social impact educator
The Bertha Centre – a specialised centre at UCT Graduate School of Business (based in Cape Town, South Africa), and partner of SI-DRIVE – has been benchmarked in the top five globally for social impact education in a recent report released by the Bridgespan Group. The report analyses four promising future directions and opportunities identified by practitioners and experts in the social impact field including educating and preparing a broader range of student talent for social impact work across the social and private sectors. To read the full story, please click here.
Social Innovation: Relevant Part of Technological Development
COCOP: Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Industrial Processes
The SI-DRIVE concept of social innovation as part of a new innovation paradigm was integrated in the HORIZON 2020 – SPIRE project COCOP: Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Industrial Processes. COCOP is a first trial to combine technological development with a social innovation process of co-creation and co-development for improving effectiveness and impact of the innovations and operators acceptance. [Read more]

Events focusing on Social Innovation and SI-DRIVE...
...(co)organised by the SI-DRIVE partner Zhejiang University (ZJU), China
On 19th December 2016, a seminar entitled "The Hangzhou Social Innovation Cases" was held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,. Chaired by Professor Ka Lin (School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou), this seminar, which was also included in the SI-DRIVE mapping activity, reached a broad audience including officials from the Hangzhou city government, as well as graduate students from the School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University. [Read more]
The seminar "Public Policies in the Global Context" was held at the Yifu Building, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, on 12th January 2017. It was jointly organised by the Department of Social Security and Risk Management of Zhejiang University and the Centre for Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation of Zhejiang University of Technology (based in Hangzhou). Seminar sessions and discussions focused on social innovation as well as social welfare, social policy, social services, environmental protection, educational resources and global development. [Read more]
Event review
The final conference of SI-DRIVE "Social Innovation – Research and Policy of the Future. Towards a Comprehensive Innovation Policy" takes place on 24th and 25 th October 2017 in Brussels. Further information will be available on the SI-DRIVE website soon.
SI-DRIVE Final conference
CominG Soon...
...Fourteenth SI-DRIVE Newsletter
The fourteenth SI-DRIVE newsletter will be issued in June 2017. Please register at our si-drive website if you are willing to receive regular information.
14th SI-DRIVE Newsletter
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612870. |