In the framework of the workshop held on 26th November 2015 in Bucharest Romanian participants in FP7 projects discussed issues related to open access in the context of the European H2020 strategy.
Danubius University of Galati (UDG) was present through Prof. Dr. Viorel Ariton, and during bilateral debates SI-DRIVE project’s approach captured the attention of the participants. ‘Danubius Journals’ platform is pioneering the open access policy – the organisers of the workshop highlighted, for the articles published in the scientific journals managed by the university through that platform.
After the workshop ‘Radio Romania Cultural’ station arranged an interview with three of the participants (Viorel Ariton included) in a broadcasted about the contradictory aspects of the open access and the impact on the scientific milieu. During December a follow-up on social innovation is planned by the ‘Radio Romania Cultural’ station, and the SI-DRIVE project is in focus along with some of the Romanian social innovation initiatives related to education and to young people involvement in solving social and environmental problems in the country.