German-Brazilian workshop: Social Innovation and its research

Social innovation relates to complex problems and to astonishing and dynamic solutions in such areas as health, social care, education or environment. The research object of Social innovation was discussed at a workshop in Brazil. Prof. Jürgen Howaldt, Director of the TU Dortmund’s sfs (Social Research Centre) attended together with a group of brazilian reseachsers at the German-Brazilian Workshop on Social Innovation and its Research in Rio de Janeiro. Several presentations from this workshop could now be downloaded.
Jürgen Howaldt and Dmitri Domanski from the sfs (Social Research Centre) attended at the German-Brazilian Workshop on Social Innovation and its Research in Rio de Janeiro together with colleagues from Brazil at the 4th of October. During the workshop experts and actors from Brazil and Germany discussed current questions, debated some Brazilian case studies, and also introduce the EU-funded global research project “SI-DRIVE: Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change”, which is coordinated by Jürgen Howaldt.

Jürgen Howaldt was thereby showing his insights about Social Innovation and Social Innovation research at the beginning of the workshop. His presentation “Social Innovation: Theoretical Concepts and International Trends” could be downloaded here. The event was organised by the UA Ruhr Liaison office Latin America (Rio de Janeiro), by the sfs and SI-DRIVE project.

Further material from the workshop is available here.
